martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Geek Furniture: Functional Nintendo Controller table

As a true geek, I like everything of my life to be customized. One of the things in my list of things to do before I die is have all of my house with geek furniture. There are some quite cool geek tables for example, but I think the winning price goes to the functional Nintendo Controller table. Cause it is already cool to have a table with the shape of a NES controller, but being able to play with it: just genius. In this one for example it even has place for storage and some screenshots made of perler beads to decorate. You can see here more photos of this model made by a geek name "jocke" which says that the table cost about $200 in materials and 70-100 man-hours.Which I find totally worth it for this result.
Here you can find some the instructables by thisissafety where he explains how to DIY this awesome table.
For the ones that would not like to do the table on their own, there is an etsy shop called the bohemianworkbench where you can buy this table without the storage box for 3,500$ the functional one and for 2,300$ the non-functional.

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